Latest News
Reality TV causes untold sufferingReality TV causes untold suffering
The recent craze for reality TV shows such as "Survivor" and "I'm almost a celebrity please, please get me on telly" is being blamed for a sharp increase in reported cases of insect abuse.
Pregnant aphid drowned - can you help?Pregnant aphid drowned - can you help?
A pregnant aphid has been found drowned in a quarry near Canterbury with a heavy weight attached to her neck.
Beetles forced to eat excrement to surviveBeetles forced to eat excrement to survive
Beetles in remote parts of Africa are suffering from such severe food shortages that they can survive only by eating other creatures excrement, claims a report into appalling levels of beetle hardship on the continent.
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Link to the SPCI website

Link to the SPCI website

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The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Insects

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The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Insects

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The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Insects

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<a href="">The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Insects</a>